Friday, June 18, 2010

The Little Gym and Pool Time

Today I took Grace to the Little Gym to play. She was very shy and "scared" at first but after a little while boy did she warm up. She played her little heart out. She ended up being the demonstrator twice she did so good. She just followed the other kids and did everything that these kids have been doing for the last few months on her first visit. We got into the car and she was asleep before we even hit the first red light.

Later in the afternoon we went across the street to the pool and had so much fun. It is an older pool that has nothing flashy but it was so easy to watch her there. They have a kiddy pool that is fenced off and she had no choice but to sit in the kiddy pool and play with her toys. She lost her balance in the pool and couldn't stand back up and I was two steps away from her wathcing her every move and the life guard jumped in. I was mortified that he jumped i like that but glad that they are watching the kids that close. All in all, she had a great time.

Jamie and I went to LaPachangas for dinner. Grace was being a handful to say the least. She was loud and crying. Jamie took her outside at one point. I got some great pictures of her today. I love my little girl!!!

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