Jamie and I had a wonderful weekend. It flew by and was so relaxing. Friday night we got a babysitter (thanks Stephen) and went to Tony's for dinner. We ate some yummy white chicken nachos (they are sooooo good), had salads, and shared some chicken wings. We went home stuffed and not one complaint.
Saturday-Jamie and his brother went golfing in the morning and when he got home we headed across the street to the pool. We stayed for about two hours until Grace was begging for her cup and something to eat. We swung by good old McDonald's and got some chicken nuggets for all three of us. We ate and then took a long nap. We started watching the movie "Valentines Day" and then Jamie headed back to our room to take a nap and then Grace begged me to hold her. Before I knew it she was asleep in my arms. I love those moments. We took a couple hour nap and then hung out at the house. In the evening we stopped by Qdoba's and we got a snack and took my brother, Sam, home from work. We had originally said that we were going to go to Ted Drew's but we were stuffed from eating that we passed.
Today we just went grocery shopping, napped, and enjoyed our time hanging out as a family. I love this little family of mine. Can I mention that Grace has been Jamie's little shadow this weekend and wants to be by him at all time. Jamie said it is not so flattering anymore. Ha ha!! Daddy's little girl she is! He is such a great dad. I love it and can't wait to have more children with him.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Father's Day
Happy Father's Day!!!
I am so lucky that I have some amazing men in my life. For one, I have a wonderful father. My dad has been there for me thru thick and thin. He is a man that doesn't show that much affection but shows love in his actions and doings. He has taught me so much and helped Jamie and I in so many ways. He is a FABULOUS grandpa and loves Gracie to death and let me tell you the feeling is mutual. Grace doesn't know we excist when she is around her Paw Paw. I love my Dad very much and pray each and every day that the Lord keeps him healthy and happy for years to come.
As for Jamie, he is the best Daddy that Gracie could have ever asked for. He is so patient and loving to her. He does so much for her that I don't know how I could manage without his help. Grace is in love with Jamie. He is a better person now that he is a Dad. I think that they have brought out the best in each other. I can honestly say that because of how great Jamie is as a father that it has made me strive harder to be a better mother to Grace.
So I could go on and on, but I will stop. Jamie thank you again for being such a great man and father- YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!
For Father's Day, Jamie had asked to go boating so off went to Mark Twain Lake. We had a great time and really enjoyed ourselves. We took Grace and she was awesome. Jamie deserves so much more than just a silly trip to the lake to show him how much we appreciate everything he does for us.
PS- Unfortunately that morning we just got up and left- no showers or anything. So Jamie said don't dare take my picture=( I didn't even want one of me so I can't blame him.
PS- Unfortunately that morning we just got up and left- no showers or anything. So Jamie said don't dare take my picture=( I didn't even want one of me so I can't blame him.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Father's Day
I can't wait for Father's Day this year. I want to do something special for Jamie. He is such a great Dad to Grace and I want to show him how much we appreciate him. I plan on going to my Mom's for a barbecue on Sunday and hope Jamie will be able to come with us. He is a man that buys for himself throughout the year so it is so hard to buy for him on special occasions. I love you Jamie. Thank you for being such a great Dad.
FYI- Father's Day is so close to my heart now since I had Grace the day before Father's Day in 2008. It was so neat to see Jamie hold his brand new daughter on Fathers Day!!!!!
Grace's 2nd Birthday Party

We had a small family party for Grace on Sunday. It was so much nicer this year than last because we hadn't invited so many people so it was much more intimate. The kids played on the bounce house and then played in the sprinkler. My friend Rachel brought over her plastic pool and all the kids got in there together- one Hot Mess!!!! She got tons of nice toys and clothes. She wore a cute little embroidered cupcake dress. All of my siblings including the little ones all got her some type of nice gift. It was so sweet of them!!! It was nice to be able to enjoy myself watching her play at her party. Happy birthday sweet little girl!!!
Grace is TWO
My little baby is no longer a baby she is officially a toddler!!!!!! She turned two on Monday. Here are some briefs on what she has been up to:
She is talking more and more, like three to four word sentences.
She throws fits all day, and has a temper out of this world.
She loves to take her shoes on and off herself.
She kinda is starting to get interested in potty training.
She loves getting in the pool, she would stay in it all day if I would let her.
She loves her babysitter and the kids that are over there during the day.
She loves her MaMa and PaPa more than me I think!! LOL!
She plays with the oddest little things around the house and has no interest in toys.
She has her Daddy wrapped around her fingers.
She loves food, the girl can eat!!!
She doesn't like cleaning up her mess.
She loves to be outside playing.
She is "scared" all the time, and will tell you a thousand times too!!!
She wants to sleep with us now- Stinks, we had her sleeping in her bed from day one and now She wants to be right next to us because she is "scared".
She rules our house and we would take twenty more of her.
Grace is only two but I couldn't imagine my world without her. She has a heart as big as Texas. I love spending time with her. She is exhausting to be with all day because she is such high maintenance but when she is asleep I am secretly thinking I wish she would wake up. I love her more than anything. My husband is head over heals for her, and it makes me love him that much more. Grace is going to be one hell of a big sister one day because she will teach him or her some of her little tricks!!!!!
Day Off
Today I took Grace to the babysitters because she hadn't been at all this week and I wanted my babysitter to get her hours/ money in. I dropped her off at 0830 and came home went to take a nap because I had to work tonight. I woke up at 3pm!!!! I couldn't believe that I slept all day. I was so mad at myself. I had planned on taking a little nap and then spending the rest of the day cleaning and folding laundry. I didn't set an alarm because I never in a million years would have dreamed that I would have slept all day.
I picked up Grace from Ms. Judy's and we met Jamie for dinner. We went to O'Charley's because I had a really great coupon and Grace eats free. She was a MONSTER!!! She was refusing to sit in the high chair and climbing out of it, screaming, and crying. Just terrible!!! It was nice to sit and see Jamie before I had to go to work but Grace ruined our dinner. Even with her screaming and acting like an idiot I still think she is cute as a bug.
The Little Gym and Pool Time
Today I took Grace to the Little Gym to play. She was very shy and "scared" at first but after a little while boy did she warm up. She played her little heart out. She ended up being the demonstrator twice she did so good. She just followed the other kids and did everything that these kids have been doing for the last few months on her first visit. We got into the car and she was asleep before we even hit the first red light.
Later in the afternoon we went across the street to the pool and had so much fun. It is an older pool that has nothing flashy but it was so easy to watch her there. They have a kiddy pool that is fenced off and she had no choice but to sit in the kiddy pool and play with her toys. She lost her balance in the pool and couldn't stand back up and I was two steps away from her wathcing her every move and the life guard jumped in. I was mortified that he jumped i like that but glad that they are watching the kids that close. All in all, she had a great time.
Jamie and I went to LaPachangas for dinner. Grace was being a handful to say the least. She was loud and crying. Jamie took her outside at one point. I got some great pictures of her today. I love my little girl!!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
In two weeks
In two weeks Grace will be turning two........................ DEPRESSING!!!!!
I can't get over how time goes by so fast!!! It is nauseating to see how fast Grace is growing up. She makes everyday interesting over here. She is so special to us, and makes me smile all the time. I love that she is a product of Jamie and I- our creation!!! She is so many different things, so much in fact that it is hard to pinpoint how she is going to be when she gets older. She has MAJOR personality. My babysitter tells me she is just the sweetest most best behaved little one that she has- Don't believe that!!!!!!! She is loved be all. She rules my parents house when she is over there. She just makes me heart melt when she screams the names of my siblings out loud. She has forever changed me and taught me how to love and care for someone.
So in two weeks we will be celebrating a life that makes me celebrate everyday. She is our joy and happiness. She has made me love my husband in a new light and respect more than ever. Thank you Grace Adeline!!!!
Baby Fever
I have so many friends right now that are pregnant. As I hear them talk about the sex and the cute little things that they have had to buy for them, it is making me have a little baby fever!!! I am just such a planner that I try to control and analyze all situations and I can't decide when is the best time to have more kids. We know we want more. We know we want them sooner than later. We know that we love being parents. We know that Grace needs to have siblings. We know we would like to have another baby after we move. So there is my hesitation- What if it takes another year or two to sell my home and then I can't get pregnant or it takes a really long time??? Does everything happen for a reason and work itself out magically? Should we live for the moment and go ahead and go for it??
Being a grown up is serious stuff!!!!!!
Being a grown up is serious stuff!!!!!!
Camping, Boating, Swimming- OH MY!!!

I hope you all had a fabulous Memorial Day!!!! I sure did!!!
We went to Mark Twain Lake for a little camping and boating trip. We took Grace, and my Dad and brothers went. I couldn't have asked for such a cool little girl. She was amazing. She loved the boat and kept her life jacket on like a good little girl the entire time while in the boat. She loved getting out and going swimming. She just played and played at the campsite. I could go on and on and still could not describe how good she was- OKAY HAVE I BEAT THIS TO DEATH YET???
I have never been to Mark Twain before and will from here on out plan on going back, it was perfect. Just two hours away, great campsites- very family oriented, and a great lake. What more could a girl ask for. When I was younger my Grandma Nadine lived at Table Rock so we spent many of weeks and weekends at the lake that left some of the fondest memories from my childhood. Also, my hubby Jamie loves the lake. So I know that we will be going back making some memories for my little girl!!!! Gosh how I love my life!!!!
Here are a few pictures of my little sweetie!!
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