Boy are we getting excited over here for Christmas. Grace has been talking about Santa like crazy. We have asked her what she wants Santa to bring her if she keeps on being a good girl and she keeps on saying, "toys". We took her to Santa's Magical Kingdom to look at some Christmas lights last night and she LOVED them. Her little face kept on taking my breath away. You drive through the park in your car to see the lights and we had to wait in line for about forty minutes. Grace bopped her head to the music, pointed her little fingers at things she saw, and talked like crazy about it. We didn't get out of the car to see Santa because the lines were so long and it was so cold but it was so fun to see Grace so excited.
I tell you it is pure magic to see the excitement in your child's face. Knowing that she is seeing and understanding things for the first time. It even makes me emotional seeing Jamie interact with her when she is excited like this. I can't get enough of it. We will probably hit up every Christmas light exhibit in the Metro St. Louis area in the next month!! We talked about baby Jesus last night when we saw him in the manger and she kept on talking about our friend's baby named Jacob-she was totally confused. I can't wait until she starts to realize the real reason behind the season. I am so grateful for what God has given us this last year, we are blessed and feel so fortunate for these blessings.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Fall into me........
I love Fall like I love my child!!!! It is the best time of the year-crisp air, leaves turning bright orange and red, the smell of bonfires, pumpkin patches, Halloween costumes, coats, and tights on little girls.
I know I am eons behind on blogging but wanted to get caught up and let everyone know what we have been up to. We took Grace to Eckert's Pumpkin Patch and she had a great time. We forced her to ride a little carnival ride and she was so stubborn that she wanted to enjoy it but wouldn't let herself it was so funny. We walked around and had a great time as a family.
We took her trick-or-treating for Halloween. She was a little 50's girls. I didn't really get a good picture of her because she was too busy wanting to get lots of candy and wanted to play with her cousins. My Mom always makes chili and a spread to go with it. It seems like I can't get enough of chili lately.
On a sad note, Jamie's sweet, sweet Grandma Starck passed away this month. She was so special to him and played such an important part in his life. She let him stay in her home and made a home for him multiple times. At her funeral, so many people said such wonderful things about her that I found it inspiring. Like a woman that anyone would be lucky to be anything like.
I know I am eons behind on blogging but wanted to get caught up and let everyone know what we have been up to. We took Grace to Eckert's Pumpkin Patch and she had a great time. We forced her to ride a little carnival ride and she was so stubborn that she wanted to enjoy it but wouldn't let herself it was so funny. We walked around and had a great time as a family.
We took her trick-or-treating for Halloween. She was a little 50's girls. I didn't really get a good picture of her because she was too busy wanting to get lots of candy and wanted to play with her cousins. My Mom always makes chili and a spread to go with it. It seems like I can't get enough of chili lately.
On a sad note, Jamie's sweet, sweet Grandma Starck passed away this month. She was so special to him and played such an important part in his life. She let him stay in her home and made a home for him multiple times. At her funeral, so many people said such wonderful things about her that I found it inspiring. Like a woman that anyone would be lucky to be anything like.
Love is.................
Love is knowing that you have a healthy baby growing inside you.........
Love is knowing that you have been given such a wonderful gift from God........
Love is knowing that you child is going to have the honor of being a big sister..............
Love is knowing that you get to see your husband become a father to another child.........
Love is knowing that you have been so blessed that you can hardly catch your breath..........
I don't know what I have done in this life to deserve such blessings but life is good, SO GOOD!!!! We are having another baby for those of you that don't know. We found out this week that it is a boy. We just continue to pray for the safety and health of this child.
I lay awake at night sometimes wondering what my plan is in life-what God has in store for me. I still don't know, but in the meantime will continue to just love what I have. I see so many other women that are good people that would give anything to be a mother and struggle with infertility and such and my heart breaks for them. I just feel so incredibly lucky that God has just gave me so much and feel so fortunate. I will continue to pray for those women out there that want to become mothers that God soon blesses them.
My husband is over the moon with excitement with the news that we are having a boy. He will make such a great dad to a boy. He is so wonderful with Gracie that I sometimes feel inadequate. He has exceeded any expectations that I had for him as a parent. I feel lucky to be his counterpart in life.
Love is knowing that you have been given such a wonderful gift from God........
Love is knowing that you child is going to have the honor of being a big sister..............
Love is knowing that you get to see your husband become a father to another child.........
Love is knowing that you have been so blessed that you can hardly catch your breath..........
I don't know what I have done in this life to deserve such blessings but life is good, SO GOOD!!!! We are having another baby for those of you that don't know. We found out this week that it is a boy. We just continue to pray for the safety and health of this child.
I lay awake at night sometimes wondering what my plan is in life-what God has in store for me. I still don't know, but in the meantime will continue to just love what I have. I see so many other women that are good people that would give anything to be a mother and struggle with infertility and such and my heart breaks for them. I just feel so incredibly lucky that God has just gave me so much and feel so fortunate. I will continue to pray for those women out there that want to become mothers that God soon blesses them.
My husband is over the moon with excitement with the news that we are having a boy. He will make such a great dad to a boy. He is so wonderful with Gracie that I sometimes feel inadequate. He has exceeded any expectations that I had for him as a parent. I feel lucky to be his counterpart in life.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Oh baby!!!!
We had a small baby shower for Angie and Jen at Krieger's a few weeks back. Kim is a waitress there and had everything set up before we got there. We all had a great time eating and catching up. They both got some really great gifts and I loved watching them open their presents. I love all things baby!! Grace was a really good girl and ate and played good. Here are a few pictures from that afternoon.
Part two of Summer Vacation
So when we figured out that we weren't going back to Sesame Place, we decided that we would head to the beach. Jamie came up with Virgina Beach and I didn't mind trying it out. We left our hotel at like 6am that morning and made it to the beach by 1ish.
We checked into our hotel and then headed to the beach. Jamie and I set up our area and then got into the ocean. Grace was scared of the ocean and played it safe by playing in the sand. Jamie and I on the other hand had sooooo much fun in the water letting the waves crash into us. It was exhilarating. We laughed so hard!!! At one time, Jamie was holding Grace to show her that there was nothing to be scared of and took her out to where his knees were touching and then somehow a BIG wave came rolling in and crashed right into them and Jamie fell over with Grace in his arms. They both came up after the tide broke looking like drowned rats. Grace had this look on her face like-you two are crazy! I didn't want to get in this water before and then you basically drowned me. Get me out of here!!! So for the rest of the vacation Grace played it safe and played right next to us in the sand.
We checked out the boardwalk and it was AWESOME. Everything you could need was along it. They had the neat little vendors selling hot dogs, ice cream, soda, etc. as you walked by. Grace passed out in her stroller as we walked. We walked the entire length of the boardwalk and were so tired by the time we got back to the hotel. We took naps and then got ready for dinner. We walked to dinner that night. We picked a restaurant on the boardwalk. It was so neat to be able to walk to dinner and eat right there on the ocean. I put this little pink dress on Grace with little pigtails in her hair and she looked so cute!!! Everyone walking by was telling us that she was so darling and I have to admit I couldn't have agreed more!! I loved Virgina Beach like no other. Probably one of my very favorite vacations to date.
The next day we did the same. We walked to lunch from our hotel and then headed to the beach. One really neat thing about the beach was that they had these playgrounds right on the sand. Jamie got all cozy on the beach blanket and Grace bolted to the playground, and that, my friend was where I had to spend my afternoon. She had sooooo much fun that day playing on the playground. Seriously who came up with that idea-pure genius!!!
There was an Air Force base in Virginia Beach and they constantly take the airplanes out to practice. Grace didn't know what an airplane was before the trip and is now an airplane aficionado. She got such a kick out of pointing to them and screaming "airplane". We only heard that a hundred times-it was so cute!
On the way home from Virginia Beach we were on a mission to find a Chick-fil-a because I had never eaten there and they have a play place for Grace. It was not a disappointment!!! Grace however, was too scared to play in the play place. Another time, perhaps!!
Enjoy the pictures!!!
Part 1 of Summer Vacation
We went on a week vacation to Philadelphia and Virgina Beach. I will cover the vacation in two posts, one from Sesame Place and the other at Virginia Beach.
Sesame Place is a theme park that is based off of Sesame Street. Grace really enjoyed it. There was some freakish cold front that came through the week we were there and the highest the temperature got was like 78 degrees. It made for a very comfortable day doing all the dry attractions, not so much with the water attractions. We got our swimming suits on and lasted a whole ten minutes in the first water ride. Grace's lips were a deep shade of purple and she was shivering. The problem was that the park consisted of probably 70% water rides and 30% dry attractions. So we did all we could do in one afternoon with the dry stuff and we were done. We had two day passes and didn't come back the second day because it was even colder. We did take Grace to the Elmo's World Show and she loved it!!!
She was so tired that she fell asleep before we got to the highway when we left there that day. We went back to our hotel and took a long nap and then went out to dinner. We had such a relaxing time-no agenda, just spending time together. Grace was so funny in all the hotels we went to, checking them out and looking around. That night when we were trying to get to bed I heard Grace singing "nana nana Elmo's World, nana nana". That right there made the entire trip to Sesame Place worth it. The drive to Pennsylvania was beautiful. I loved driving through the mountains. Grace did wonderful in the car and lasted hours with out having to get out and that surprised Jamie and I. We were prepared for the worst.
So enjoy the pictures.
Way too long!
I have been a super slacker and haven't posted in the longest time. I have been in a blogging funk to say the least. As to why, I am not for sure. So to get caught up I will post some pictures from our summer vacation, a friends shower, and just some pictures of my little cutie!!!
We have been busy around here (story of my life) and have been trying to make the best of every day. We have gone swimming quite a bit and spent some time doing things indoors because it is too darn hot outside to function. I went for a walk today and lasted about ten minutes. Then I took Grace over to the playground and she had sweat dripping down her face and looked at me like "get me outta here I am melting!!!"
We are getting ready to try a new church this weekend. Nothing happened at our old church, in fact Grace will probably still go to preschool there. but we want a church that we can see ourselves at for years and has really good programs for youth.
I have been trying my best to savor each day with Grace to take it all in, like the last drops of a really good milkshake. It seems like I blink my eyes and she is another month old so I made a vow to myself that I would make each day count and even if that meant a day we were staying home to clean and do laundry that we would laugh and hug and have fun at home. Grace is getting so smart and always wants to be on the go. As soon as the wakes up in the morning she is asking to go to "Ma Ma's house". Then she gets so upset with me that we don't go. Poor girl!!! She has been such a lover lately and I am just eating that up. Anytime my little girl wants to give a hundred kisses and hugs-you better believe I'll take it!!!
I can't believe summer is coming to a close. Kinda bittersweet-It just went so fast!!! We got a lot planned with Grace this coming Fall. I have her signed up for dance class. I don't know how this will go, it could be good or really bad!! She is going to do a Kickaroo soccer program with her Daddy. Were also are thinking about going back to the Little Gym because she loved that place.
All is well with her and the babysitter. We love Ms. Judy like a family member and the feeling is mutual. I think I love her because I know she takes care of Grace like a Grandma would. Grace also has little friends over there that she enjoys very much.
Grace continues to be a Daddy's girl and that is alright with me. Anytime I can see my husband look at Grace like he does, it makes my heart melt and know all is good in the world. He is such a good Dad and Grace can sense that. They are buddies and I LOVE that!!!
So in closing I will try to be a better blogger and stay caught up. Hope you enjoy what is to come!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Perfect Weekend
Jamie and I had a wonderful weekend. It flew by and was so relaxing. Friday night we got a babysitter (thanks Stephen) and went to Tony's for dinner. We ate some yummy white chicken nachos (they are sooooo good), had salads, and shared some chicken wings. We went home stuffed and not one complaint.
Saturday-Jamie and his brother went golfing in the morning and when he got home we headed across the street to the pool. We stayed for about two hours until Grace was begging for her cup and something to eat. We swung by good old McDonald's and got some chicken nuggets for all three of us. We ate and then took a long nap. We started watching the movie "Valentines Day" and then Jamie headed back to our room to take a nap and then Grace begged me to hold her. Before I knew it she was asleep in my arms. I love those moments. We took a couple hour nap and then hung out at the house. In the evening we stopped by Qdoba's and we got a snack and took my brother, Sam, home from work. We had originally said that we were going to go to Ted Drew's but we were stuffed from eating that we passed.
Today we just went grocery shopping, napped, and enjoyed our time hanging out as a family. I love this little family of mine. Can I mention that Grace has been Jamie's little shadow this weekend and wants to be by him at all time. Jamie said it is not so flattering anymore. Ha ha!! Daddy's little girl she is! He is such a great dad. I love it and can't wait to have more children with him.
Saturday-Jamie and his brother went golfing in the morning and when he got home we headed across the street to the pool. We stayed for about two hours until Grace was begging for her cup and something to eat. We swung by good old McDonald's and got some chicken nuggets for all three of us. We ate and then took a long nap. We started watching the movie "Valentines Day" and then Jamie headed back to our room to take a nap and then Grace begged me to hold her. Before I knew it she was asleep in my arms. I love those moments. We took a couple hour nap and then hung out at the house. In the evening we stopped by Qdoba's and we got a snack and took my brother, Sam, home from work. We had originally said that we were going to go to Ted Drew's but we were stuffed from eating that we passed.
Today we just went grocery shopping, napped, and enjoyed our time hanging out as a family. I love this little family of mine. Can I mention that Grace has been Jamie's little shadow this weekend and wants to be by him at all time. Jamie said it is not so flattering anymore. Ha ha!! Daddy's little girl she is! He is such a great dad. I love it and can't wait to have more children with him.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Father's Day
Happy Father's Day!!!
I am so lucky that I have some amazing men in my life. For one, I have a wonderful father. My dad has been there for me thru thick and thin. He is a man that doesn't show that much affection but shows love in his actions and doings. He has taught me so much and helped Jamie and I in so many ways. He is a FABULOUS grandpa and loves Gracie to death and let me tell you the feeling is mutual. Grace doesn't know we excist when she is around her Paw Paw. I love my Dad very much and pray each and every day that the Lord keeps him healthy and happy for years to come.
As for Jamie, he is the best Daddy that Gracie could have ever asked for. He is so patient and loving to her. He does so much for her that I don't know how I could manage without his help. Grace is in love with Jamie. He is a better person now that he is a Dad. I think that they have brought out the best in each other. I can honestly say that because of how great Jamie is as a father that it has made me strive harder to be a better mother to Grace.
So I could go on and on, but I will stop. Jamie thank you again for being such a great man and father- YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!
For Father's Day, Jamie had asked to go boating so off went to Mark Twain Lake. We had a great time and really enjoyed ourselves. We took Grace and she was awesome. Jamie deserves so much more than just a silly trip to the lake to show him how much we appreciate everything he does for us.
PS- Unfortunately that morning we just got up and left- no showers or anything. So Jamie said don't dare take my picture=( I didn't even want one of me so I can't blame him.
PS- Unfortunately that morning we just got up and left- no showers or anything. So Jamie said don't dare take my picture=( I didn't even want one of me so I can't blame him.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Father's Day
I can't wait for Father's Day this year. I want to do something special for Jamie. He is such a great Dad to Grace and I want to show him how much we appreciate him. I plan on going to my Mom's for a barbecue on Sunday and hope Jamie will be able to come with us. He is a man that buys for himself throughout the year so it is so hard to buy for him on special occasions. I love you Jamie. Thank you for being such a great Dad.
FYI- Father's Day is so close to my heart now since I had Grace the day before Father's Day in 2008. It was so neat to see Jamie hold his brand new daughter on Fathers Day!!!!!
Grace's 2nd Birthday Party

We had a small family party for Grace on Sunday. It was so much nicer this year than last because we hadn't invited so many people so it was much more intimate. The kids played on the bounce house and then played in the sprinkler. My friend Rachel brought over her plastic pool and all the kids got in there together- one Hot Mess!!!! She got tons of nice toys and clothes. She wore a cute little embroidered cupcake dress. All of my siblings including the little ones all got her some type of nice gift. It was so sweet of them!!! It was nice to be able to enjoy myself watching her play at her party. Happy birthday sweet little girl!!!
Grace is TWO
My little baby is no longer a baby she is officially a toddler!!!!!! She turned two on Monday. Here are some briefs on what she has been up to:
She is talking more and more, like three to four word sentences.
She throws fits all day, and has a temper out of this world.
She loves to take her shoes on and off herself.
She kinda is starting to get interested in potty training.
She loves getting in the pool, she would stay in it all day if I would let her.
She loves her babysitter and the kids that are over there during the day.
She loves her MaMa and PaPa more than me I think!! LOL!
She plays with the oddest little things around the house and has no interest in toys.
She has her Daddy wrapped around her fingers.
She loves food, the girl can eat!!!
She doesn't like cleaning up her mess.
She loves to be outside playing.
She is "scared" all the time, and will tell you a thousand times too!!!
She wants to sleep with us now- Stinks, we had her sleeping in her bed from day one and now She wants to be right next to us because she is "scared".
She rules our house and we would take twenty more of her.
Grace is only two but I couldn't imagine my world without her. She has a heart as big as Texas. I love spending time with her. She is exhausting to be with all day because she is such high maintenance but when she is asleep I am secretly thinking I wish she would wake up. I love her more than anything. My husband is head over heals for her, and it makes me love him that much more. Grace is going to be one hell of a big sister one day because she will teach him or her some of her little tricks!!!!!
Day Off
Today I took Grace to the babysitters because she hadn't been at all this week and I wanted my babysitter to get her hours/ money in. I dropped her off at 0830 and came home went to take a nap because I had to work tonight. I woke up at 3pm!!!! I couldn't believe that I slept all day. I was so mad at myself. I had planned on taking a little nap and then spending the rest of the day cleaning and folding laundry. I didn't set an alarm because I never in a million years would have dreamed that I would have slept all day.
I picked up Grace from Ms. Judy's and we met Jamie for dinner. We went to O'Charley's because I had a really great coupon and Grace eats free. She was a MONSTER!!! She was refusing to sit in the high chair and climbing out of it, screaming, and crying. Just terrible!!! It was nice to sit and see Jamie before I had to go to work but Grace ruined our dinner. Even with her screaming and acting like an idiot I still think she is cute as a bug.
The Little Gym and Pool Time
Today I took Grace to the Little Gym to play. She was very shy and "scared" at first but after a little while boy did she warm up. She played her little heart out. She ended up being the demonstrator twice she did so good. She just followed the other kids and did everything that these kids have been doing for the last few months on her first visit. We got into the car and she was asleep before we even hit the first red light.
Later in the afternoon we went across the street to the pool and had so much fun. It is an older pool that has nothing flashy but it was so easy to watch her there. They have a kiddy pool that is fenced off and she had no choice but to sit in the kiddy pool and play with her toys. She lost her balance in the pool and couldn't stand back up and I was two steps away from her wathcing her every move and the life guard jumped in. I was mortified that he jumped i like that but glad that they are watching the kids that close. All in all, she had a great time.
Jamie and I went to LaPachangas for dinner. Grace was being a handful to say the least. She was loud and crying. Jamie took her outside at one point. I got some great pictures of her today. I love my little girl!!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
In two weeks
In two weeks Grace will be turning two........................ DEPRESSING!!!!!
I can't get over how time goes by so fast!!! It is nauseating to see how fast Grace is growing up. She makes everyday interesting over here. She is so special to us, and makes me smile all the time. I love that she is a product of Jamie and I- our creation!!! She is so many different things, so much in fact that it is hard to pinpoint how she is going to be when she gets older. She has MAJOR personality. My babysitter tells me she is just the sweetest most best behaved little one that she has- Don't believe that!!!!!!! She is loved be all. She rules my parents house when she is over there. She just makes me heart melt when she screams the names of my siblings out loud. She has forever changed me and taught me how to love and care for someone.
So in two weeks we will be celebrating a life that makes me celebrate everyday. She is our joy and happiness. She has made me love my husband in a new light and respect more than ever. Thank you Grace Adeline!!!!
Baby Fever
I have so many friends right now that are pregnant. As I hear them talk about the sex and the cute little things that they have had to buy for them, it is making me have a little baby fever!!! I am just such a planner that I try to control and analyze all situations and I can't decide when is the best time to have more kids. We know we want more. We know we want them sooner than later. We know that we love being parents. We know that Grace needs to have siblings. We know we would like to have another baby after we move. So there is my hesitation- What if it takes another year or two to sell my home and then I can't get pregnant or it takes a really long time??? Does everything happen for a reason and work itself out magically? Should we live for the moment and go ahead and go for it??
Being a grown up is serious stuff!!!!!!
Being a grown up is serious stuff!!!!!!
Camping, Boating, Swimming- OH MY!!!

I hope you all had a fabulous Memorial Day!!!! I sure did!!!
We went to Mark Twain Lake for a little camping and boating trip. We took Grace, and my Dad and brothers went. I couldn't have asked for such a cool little girl. She was amazing. She loved the boat and kept her life jacket on like a good little girl the entire time while in the boat. She loved getting out and going swimming. She just played and played at the campsite. I could go on and on and still could not describe how good she was- OKAY HAVE I BEAT THIS TO DEATH YET???
I have never been to Mark Twain before and will from here on out plan on going back, it was perfect. Just two hours away, great campsites- very family oriented, and a great lake. What more could a girl ask for. When I was younger my Grandma Nadine lived at Table Rock so we spent many of weeks and weekends at the lake that left some of the fondest memories from my childhood. Also, my hubby Jamie loves the lake. So I know that we will be going back making some memories for my little girl!!!! Gosh how I love my life!!!!
Here are a few pictures of my little sweetie!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Another year, another graduation......
This weekend was jam packed with excitement and craziness. My sister graduated from high school Saturday. Jamie and I went over to my parents house Friday evening and Saturday evening helping out to get ready for her big graduation party. Saturday was her graduation ceremony and it was at the Chafitz Center at Slu. It seemed so rushed and not as special as it has in the past. I got a little emotional when I saw the graduates walk to their seats. I don't think that they reinforce to these kids that these are the best years of their lives and to enjoy them. I just felt this strong sense that I am getting older watching all my siblings grow up.
We all went out to dinner to Steak and Shake afterwards. Anytime a whole bunch of Fried's get together it is a whole bunch of fun and crazy!!! I had to sit in between all of the babies. Grace did phenomenal, she ate every bit of food on her plate and was just plain sweet there. While we were at the ceremony my AWESOME friend Angela watched her. I was so nervous because she has never went over to Angie's before but she said that she did good and wasn't to sad. Saturday night we stayed over at my parents until 0200- with GRACE!!! You would have never known that we were there that late, she played and tried "to help".
Sunday, I volunteered to pickup the food for my mom at Pshgettis and the cake at Sam's and then headed over to the party. Grace wore this simple lime green cotton dress, her hair was in these little piggy tales with pick bows on each one, and a little bracelet around her wrist- She looked like a little angel!!! I just wanted to scoop her up all day because she was tooooo cute. She had a blast playing with the other kids and in the yard.
All in all, we had a wonderful fun filled family weekend. I looked at Jamie as I seen him interact with some of my family and it makes my heart melt that he is becoming like a real "brother and son in law". My family respects and values him and I love that. My brothers look up to him and my dad is starting to talk about him as he is his own son now. I LOVE that so much. There is nothing more in this world that I want than my husband to be treated well from my family. It just makes my heart warm and fuzzy. I would want the same for me, so I am glad that they treat him like they do.
We all went out to dinner to Steak and Shake afterwards. Anytime a whole bunch of Fried's get together it is a whole bunch of fun and crazy!!! I had to sit in between all of the babies. Grace did phenomenal, she ate every bit of food on her plate and was just plain sweet there. While we were at the ceremony my AWESOME friend Angela watched her. I was so nervous because she has never went over to Angie's before but she said that she did good and wasn't to sad. Saturday night we stayed over at my parents until 0200- with GRACE!!! You would have never known that we were there that late, she played and tried "to help".
Sunday, I volunteered to pickup the food for my mom at Pshgettis and the cake at Sam's and then headed over to the party. Grace wore this simple lime green cotton dress, her hair was in these little piggy tales with pick bows on each one, and a little bracelet around her wrist- She looked like a little angel!!! I just wanted to scoop her up all day because she was tooooo cute. She had a blast playing with the other kids and in the yard.
All in all, we had a wonderful fun filled family weekend. I looked at Jamie as I seen him interact with some of my family and it makes my heart melt that he is becoming like a real "brother and son in law". My family respects and values him and I love that. My brothers look up to him and my dad is starting to talk about him as he is his own son now. I LOVE that so much. There is nothing more in this world that I want than my husband to be treated well from my family. It just makes my heart warm and fuzzy. I would want the same for me, so I am glad that they treat him like they do.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Summer Colds
The last few days I have been suffering from a real nasty summer cold/sinus infection. I started taking some old antibiotics that we had in the cabinet and I'm starting to feel better. Grace has had a fever the last two nights. Monday night she fell asleep in my arms in the rocking chair at 6:30 then woke up at 9:30 drenched in sweat burning up. I brought her in my room and rocked her and she ended up falling asleep in between Jamie and I. We never let Grace sleep in our room so anytime she does we kinda enjoy having her in there. Not that I wanted Grace to be feeling bad, but I love how she wanted to be held and loved on. She has always been so hyper and never stays in one place longer than two seconds so I enjoy having her in my arms. When she is sleeping in my arms and I can feel her heart beat and hear her little breaths all is well in the world- it is Heaven!!!
We bought her a potty chair yesterday and we hope maybe that will get her excited about potty training. We have been working with her, but she hasn't went on the potty yet. Jamie takes her in the bathroom and sits her on the toilet and it melts my heart that he is such a good daddy to her. She loves him to pieces and the feeling is mutual because he eats it up. She is definitely a daddy's girl but that is okay because it makes me love my husband even more.
I have been starting to plan Grace's birthday party. I can't believe that she is going to be two. It makes me sick to think of how fast time flies. It seems like yesterday that I was pregnant dreaming about what it was going to be like to have a child and be a mother. We want to throw her a great party because we want to celebrate her life. She brings so much joy to our life!!!! So far this is what we have planned- We are doing a cupcake theme party for her. I am going to have tons of pretty cupcakes, Spaghetti's to eat, and some games.
We bought her a potty chair yesterday and we hope maybe that will get her excited about potty training. We have been working with her, but she hasn't went on the potty yet. Jamie takes her in the bathroom and sits her on the toilet and it melts my heart that he is such a good daddy to her. She loves him to pieces and the feeling is mutual because he eats it up. She is definitely a daddy's girl but that is okay because it makes me love my husband even more.
I have been starting to plan Grace's birthday party. I can't believe that she is going to be two. It makes me sick to think of how fast time flies. It seems like yesterday that I was pregnant dreaming about what it was going to be like to have a child and be a mother. We want to throw her a great party because we want to celebrate her life. She brings so much joy to our life!!!! So far this is what we have planned- We are doing a cupcake theme party for her. I am going to have tons of pretty cupcakes, Spaghetti's to eat, and some games.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Not a good day today
Today the weather has been very dreary and rainy so we have been staying in- No fun!! I did decide to take my trash out. Grace was laying on the couch resting watching Sesame Street before it was her nap time, and I told her I would be right back that I was going to take the trash out. Mind you that she did not throw a fit to come with me or anything, she just stayed laying on the couch.
When coming back from taking the trash out, I go to open the door and drum roll ----- It was locked. Grace locked me out of the house. I tried to get her to open it, of course she couldn't. Sam my brother had by chance stayed the night before and was sleeping in my bedroom but he didn't here me knocking. Every time I knocked she would get more and more freaked out. I went down stairs to my neighbors and she let me borrow a credit card and the car burglar that I am was able to pick the door. I open the door and she is sitting on the couch crying.
Lesson of the day learned!!!
When coming back from taking the trash out, I go to open the door and drum roll ----- It was locked. Grace locked me out of the house. I tried to get her to open it, of course she couldn't. Sam my brother had by chance stayed the night before and was sleeping in my bedroom but he didn't here me knocking. Every time I knocked she would get more and more freaked out. I went down stairs to my neighbors and she let me borrow a credit card and the car burglar that I am was able to pick the door. I open the door and she is sitting on the couch crying.
Lesson of the day learned!!!
Botanical Gardens
We went to Botanical Gardens last week for the first time this year and visited the wonderful Children's Garden. If you are new to reading my blog, you must know how much I love taking Grace to the Botanical Gardens and can't wait to years to come to see Grace just loving the park more and more.
This visit Grace saw the sprinklers on and that was the end of the it- this is was she was the entire time and loved every second of it. I got some great pictures of her playing in the water. She loves the water so much. I am thinking that this summer is going to be a blast.
After the Botanical Gardens we stopped by Harter's Bakery to get some sweets. I ended up having them design a cake for Jamie to thank him for watching Grace while I would be in the Bahamas. It ended up really cute. Grace was a maniac in there asking for donuts. I have NO idea where she got that from, we don't even eat donuts much. Anyway the baker thought she was so cute she gave her a bag of donuts for free- she is that cute all!!!! It was a wonderful day with my little sweetheart.
Bahmama Weekend
I was really bummed that I missed Mother's Day and was missing Jamie and Grace like crazy. Jamie picked me up from the airport and we went to pick Grace up from the sitters house and she was in the front yard playing- She saw me in the car and started screaming "Mama Mama". It was so good to see her that it brought tears to my eyes. Jamie had some cute cards waiting for me from Grace and him for Mother's Day and he cleaned the house from one end to the other. What an amazing gift. Also, thanks Mom for taking Grace to the babysitter for me so Jamie could get me to the airport- You are the best!!
All in all, it was a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day. Here are a few of the censored pictures from the weekend. Hope all of you Mother's out there had a great weekend. I plan on doing something special for my Mom since I missed seeing her this weekend, and she happens to be the best Mom and Grandma we could ever ask for.
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