Thursday, December 31, 2009

What's new with Gracie

Grace is EIGHT-TEEN MONTHS old already=(

How can that be seems like yesterday that I had her.

What is new with my little girl:

She is saying three words at a time

Has a more extensive vocabulary

Can play in a group with other kids her age

Can climb on the coffee table like a champ!!

Stays in her bed, she isn't even attempting to climb out yet

Drinks out of a cup all the time, no baby bottles for her

Counts to 6 skipping 4, says A-B-C

Loves "El-bow" and "Ab-ise" which are Elmo and Abby Caddaby more than life itself

She can and will at times sit and watch a segment of a show if it is "Sesame Street" without getting up

She loves to give kisses

Loves my mom and sister- sometimes so much that it makes my heart jealous. She can say their names and calls out for them frequently. "Maw Maw and Sar-ah", she calls for them in the car, in her bed at bedtime, and even goes to the front door calling them. It is very cute and some what annoying- Ha ha ha!!

Loves books, loves them, loves them!!!

She is so beautiful. Her smile and energy is contagious. She has started throwing fits- she does it all throws her body down on the ground, screams, kicks, and even pulls hair. I am asking God for guidance on how to deal with this! I don't know what my life would be like without my precious baby.

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