Monday, November 16, 2009

Thank You Mom

I couldn't have made it the last couple of weeks without my mom. Jamie spent a few days in Texas with his friend and I happened to have to work a few of the days when he was out of town. When I have to work, I mean I have to work twelve hour shifts and hour drive time to and from, so I am gone for a good fourteen hours straight. My mom babysat Grace from Thursday evening till Saturday evening and was so nice about doing it. She says its not babysitting its spending time with my grand-daughter. Grace always has so much fun over there and is loved to pieces.

Well this weekend Jamie went deer hunting, and I had to work again. She only had to go over there from the late afternoon till this evening but it still was so nice of her to watch her. Jamie is so cute, he stopped and got her a fountain soda to thank her.

I just makes my heart feel so good knowing that I can depend on her so much and we are so grateful to have such a wonderful mom. Grace is such a lucky girl, I wish I would have had such a great grandmother that was so involved in my life growing up.

Thanks again Mom!!!

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