It was time to get out of the house, so we decided to make a small trip over to Grant's Farm. There was a pretty long line to get onto the tram but Grace sat in her stroller and was awesome. She was soooo funny once we got onto the tram. She was pointing to everything and saying her usual "Oh, Oh, Oh". When we got into the Farm the first thing we did was visit the goats. At the Zoo she was petrified of the goats so I thought that would be the case today, but was I wrong. She went running at them with her finger in the air pointing at them. She only got scared once and that was when she got surrounded by a few of them.
Next she rode the carousel. She looked like a doll on there and smiled the entire time. We had fun looking at the animals. They have some lamas and camels that you can feed right out of your hand and the twins did it. Seth held out his hand with some food on it and that big old lama came right to him, Grace's eyes were as big as I have ever seen them. Finished off the day with some ice cream and snow cones, because it was the twins' birthday. We couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather as it was a perfect day!!!
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