Friday, July 24, 2009
Jamie's 30th Birthday
Jamie's 30th birthday is coming up next week and I am getting excited. My very generous friend from work booked us a hotel room with her casino reward points so are planning on staying the night there and eating dinner anywhere that Jamie picks downtown the night of his birthday. Then Friday night we are going to the Farmington County Fair to see a country singer that Jamie likes named Jamey Johnson. Then to finish the week of festivities, Saturday night we are going tWet week, he deserves it!!
Summer is going by so fast
I am so disappointed with how this summer has went by so fast. I had big plans of taking Grace to the pool a couple of times a week and to go on little adventures. Instead I have spent the summer working full time and then some. The only thing that has gotten me through the last couple of weeks is the thought that our vacation is in a few weeks. We are going to Panama City Beach for some rest and relaxation. I am taking a vow that the next few weeks that I am going to make the best of my days off and Grace and I will start doing the things that I had originally planned for us.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Produce Co-op
My friend at work runs this produce co-op. She figures out how many people want to purchase the produce, collects their money, and then picks it up for everyone. This is the first time I joined in the fun, and let me tell you its a STEAL.
This is all that we got for $22:
2 cartons of mushrooms
2 cartons of blueberries
5 tomatoes
8 bananas
2 honeydews
9 apples
5lb's of Russet Potatoes
5 green peppers
3 zucchini
bag full of leaf lettuce
Let me know if you are interested in participating and I will give you more specific details!!
Counter Offer Sucks!!
OKAY so it didn't work out!! The lady wouldn't budge she still wanted to pay way less- like fifteen thousand less and wanted three thousand toward her closing costs paid. We want to sell our condo but not that bad. We will have an open house July 19th and go from there. Oh well, at least someone was finally interested. Also, if we had to close on the day she wanted to we would have never been able to go on vacation in August, and oh how I need that vacation.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Contract on the condo
Well I guess the new living room furniture did it, because we had a lady put a contract down on the condo. It wasn't the best offer but it was a start. We countered back and will hopefully hear back tomorrow. Let me tell you, how STRESSFUL!!! I pray every night that God will do what is planned for Jamie and I but we really want a house to live in. Keep us in your prayers!!
New Furniture
I woke up Sunday morning and needed a fast change in my life. I decided that the easiest thing to change to make me happy would be my furniture in my living room. I look at my living room everyday and think to myself that it has tons of potential if I could just get some inspiration and motivation to really do it. So after some persuassion Jamie and I went on our way to "just look" and not buy. We dropped Gracie off with her Grandma JoAnne and she spent the day with her so we could take our time. We went to one store and looked around and found some couches that we really liked. We ended up coming home a few hours later with a new couch, recliner, coffee table, and two end tables. I went to Target later that day and bought a new 5x8 rug and drapes. I still need to get some accessories and pillows for the couch. I LOVE LOVE it, it looks great!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Updates about Jamie
Jamie spent the day Saturday golfing with my cousin's boyfriend Kevin at my cousin Jessica's work charity event. It was 100 degrees that day and all you saw on the the news was to stay inside and how many deaths there was due to heat related events, and Jamie was out all day. He said that people were putting their towels in the ice cold coolers and putting them on their heads that it was that miserable. It was pretty much all you could eat and drink, and he said that he couldn't even drink a beer because he was so thirsty for water because of the heat. So my white, white husband in the 100 degree heat came home RED!! He said that his legs have never gotten color his entire life until that day. He has the worst farmers tan ever!! LOL!! I think he looks great with some color on his face and arms. Jessica, thanks for inviting him, he had a great time!! Also, Jamie just got a new laptop. We are going to take our desk down in the living room to redecorate and we had a desktop computer so Jamie went searching and found an awesome deal on one. If anyone is interested in the info let me know, I am serious it was a steal!!!
We have our home on the market and haven't had much luck yet. I am thinking about maybe repainting our living room and dining room and just revamping the place a bit. I know I want to stick to neutral colors and want new pictures to hang on the walls. I hate, hate, hate my living room. I just find it to be so boring and blah and so desperately want it to look different!! We are going to look at some new couches today. We didn't have one stain on our couches before Grace came and since she has arrived, our home looks trashed. We are not slobs by any means but the couches show every stain. If anyone has any neat ideas for me or some helpful decorating websites, share the love!!!
Work, Work, Work
For anyone that knows me, they know that I love my job. I absolutely love taking care of my patients and love making a difference. Lately, I have been working so much. I have been going in for meetings, classes, training, and working when they have been short. It has worked out great because my sister and brother have been coming over to babysit her. I am only part time but have pretty much been working 50 hours a week. The paychecks have been more than great and I am beyond thankful that I have the opportunity to make this money in such a rough economy. The only problem is that when I work so much I feel like Jamie and I disconnect and I get heartbroke and sick missing Grace. This week I scheduled myself for my two part time shifts and nothing more and it was BEYOND great to be home all week. Jamie and I did something fun and relaxing each day and it was just so nice to be home. The problem is that my work called me all the time this week (both places, St. Mary's and Shriner's) to see if I could come in, and it takes all that I have to tell them no. It is so hard for me to disconnect the loyalty I have for my job and my job as mother and wife. How did everyone do it all these years. My mom always worked full time as I was growing up and I never felt neglected--it was they way it was. Why do I feel so bad about it???? Anyone have any advice??
Jamie and I took Grace to watch the fireworks the other night. Delmar Gardens in Fenton on Hwy. 30 has a display so we made the short trip over there to watch them. We got there almost two hours early to get a good spot. We wasted time eating our dinner in the car and just hanging out with Grace. We spent Graces birthday money on a pair of DVD players for the car for our trip to Florida coming up in August and thought we would break them out and try them that night. It was funny to look back at Grace as we were driving and seeing her little face watching Care Bears and pointing at them. When it got close to starting we laid out a blanket and got cozy on the ground. When they went off Grace just pointed and jabbered. She loved them, wasn't scared one bit. It was such a great time, I think I had more fun just hanging out in the car spending time with Jamie. It was awesome to see Grace's face when the fireworks were going off knowing that she has never seen fireworks before!!
Grants Farm
It was time to get out of the house, so we decided to make a small trip over to Grant's Farm. There was a pretty long line to get onto the tram but Grace sat in her stroller and was awesome. She was soooo funny once we got onto the tram. She was pointing to everything and saying her usual "Oh, Oh, Oh". When we got into the Farm the first thing we did was visit the goats. At the Zoo she was petrified of the goats so I thought that would be the case today, but was I wrong. She went running at them with her finger in the air pointing at them. She only got scared once and that was when she got surrounded by a few of them.
Next she rode the carousel. She looked like a doll on there and smiled the entire time. We had fun looking at the animals. They have some lamas and camels that you can feed right out of your hand and the twins did it. Seth held out his hand with some food on it and that big old lama came right to him, Grace's eyes were as big as I have ever seen them. Finished off the day with some ice cream and snow cones, because it was the twins' birthday. We couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather as it was a perfect day!!!
Grace has been sick
It's been a long week!! Grace has been pretty sick the last couple of days. We were on a good run and things came screeching to a halt. It started with some diarrhea (fun right?) and then the poor thing started running a fever. I had to work over the weekend so that meant that she was in the care of Jamie all weekend, so I thought I better take her into the Pediatrician office.
When we got there Grace had a 102.8 fever. They gave me some Tylenol to give her and then preceeded with the visit. The nurse practitioner said that her ears looked great, and she really thinks that it is the common cold and cough and to just watch her hydration and fevers. Knowing that it was the beginning of the weekend, and that I worked all weekend, she wrote me out a script for Amoxicillin and told me just to hang onto it in case she got worse. Come Monday afternoon, my Mom noticed that Grace had fluid rolling down her cheek. Her tubes were draining this yucky reddish-orange fluid. My first thought was thank you Dr. Hardemann for those tubes and my second thought was poor thing--that was what was stuck in her ears before the tubes. So it was too late to get ahold of the ENT for some ear drops, so I got the Amoxicillin script filled and started on that in the meantime.
Tuesday morning I spoke to the ENT's office and they called Grace some drops in and by Wednesday she felt much better. Boy does the time go by slow when you have a sick baby. There is nothing worse than watching a sick baby suffer!! I swear she was looking at me like, "Make me feel better!" The love you have for your children is amazing, because it was breaking my heart to look at her so pitiful and sick. Thank you Mom for giving us a break and watching her for us a few times while she was sick!!
When we got there Grace had a 102.8 fever. They gave me some Tylenol to give her and then preceeded with the visit. The nurse practitioner said that her ears looked great, and she really thinks that it is the common cold and cough and to just watch her hydration and fevers. Knowing that it was the beginning of the weekend, and that I worked all weekend, she wrote me out a script for Amoxicillin and told me just to hang onto it in case she got worse. Come Monday afternoon, my Mom noticed that Grace had fluid rolling down her cheek. Her tubes were draining this yucky reddish-orange fluid. My first thought was thank you Dr. Hardemann for those tubes and my second thought was poor thing--that was what was stuck in her ears before the tubes. So it was too late to get ahold of the ENT for some ear drops, so I got the Amoxicillin script filled and started on that in the meantime.
Tuesday morning I spoke to the ENT's office and they called Grace some drops in and by Wednesday she felt much better. Boy does the time go by slow when you have a sick baby. There is nothing worse than watching a sick baby suffer!! I swear she was looking at me like, "Make me feel better!" The love you have for your children is amazing, because it was breaking my heart to look at her so pitiful and sick. Thank you Mom for giving us a break and watching her for us a few times while she was sick!!
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