It's been a long week!! Grace has been pretty sick the last couple of days. We were on a good run and things came
screeching to a halt. It started with some diarrhea (fun right?) and then the poor thing started running a fever. I had to work over the weekend so that meant that she was in the care of Jamie all weekend, so I thought I better take her into the
Pediatrician office.
When we got there Grace had a 102.8 fever. They gave me some Tylenol to give her and then preceeded with the visit.
The nurse
practitioner said that her ears looked great, and she really thinks that it is the common cold and cough and to just watch her hydration and fevers. Knowing that it was the
beginning of the weekend, and that I worked all weekend, she wrote me out a script for
Amoxicillin and told me just to hang onto it
in case she got worse. Come Monday afternoon, my Mom noticed that Grace had fluid rolling down her cheek. Her tubes were draining this yucky
fluid. My first thought was thank you Dr.
Hardemann for those tubes and my second thought was poor thing--that was what was stuck in her ears before the tubes. So it was too late to get
ahold of the
ENT for some ear drops, so I got the
Amoxicillin script filled and started on that in the meantime.
Tuesday morning I spoke to the
ENT's office and they called Grace some drops in and by
Wednesday she felt much better. Boy does the time go by slow when you have a sick baby. There is nothing worse than watching a sick baby suffer!! I swear she was looking at me like, "Make me feel better!" The love you have for your children is amazing, because it was breaking my heart to look at her so
pitiful and sick. Thank you Mom for giving us a break and watching her for us a few times while she was sick!!