We had a small baby shower for Angie and Jen at Krieger's a few weeks back. Kim is a waitress there and had everything set up before we got there. We all had a great time eating and catching up. They both got some really great gifts and I loved watching them open their presents. I love all things baby!! Grace was a really good girl and ate and played good. Here are a few pictures from that afternoon.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Oh baby!!!!
We had a small baby shower for Angie and Jen at Krieger's a few weeks back. Kim is a waitress there and had everything set up before we got there. We all had a great time eating and catching up. They both got some really great gifts and I loved watching them open their presents. I love all things baby!! Grace was a really good girl and ate and played good. Here are a few pictures from that afternoon.
Part two of Summer Vacation
So when we figured out that we weren't going back to Sesame Place, we decided that we would head to the beach. Jamie came up with Virgina Beach and I didn't mind trying it out. We left our hotel at like 6am that morning and made it to the beach by 1ish.
We checked into our hotel and then headed to the beach. Jamie and I set up our area and then got into the ocean. Grace was scared of the ocean and played it safe by playing in the sand. Jamie and I on the other hand had sooooo much fun in the water letting the waves crash into us. It was exhilarating. We laughed so hard!!! At one time, Jamie was holding Grace to show her that there was nothing to be scared of and took her out to where his knees were touching and then somehow a BIG wave came rolling in and crashed right into them and Jamie fell over with Grace in his arms. They both came up after the tide broke looking like drowned rats. Grace had this look on her face like-you two are crazy! I didn't want to get in this water before and then you basically drowned me. Get me out of here!!! So for the rest of the vacation Grace played it safe and played right next to us in the sand.
We checked out the boardwalk and it was AWESOME. Everything you could need was along it. They had the neat little vendors selling hot dogs, ice cream, soda, etc. as you walked by. Grace passed out in her stroller as we walked. We walked the entire length of the boardwalk and were so tired by the time we got back to the hotel. We took naps and then got ready for dinner. We walked to dinner that night. We picked a restaurant on the boardwalk. It was so neat to be able to walk to dinner and eat right there on the ocean. I put this little pink dress on Grace with little pigtails in her hair and she looked so cute!!! Everyone walking by was telling us that she was so darling and I have to admit I couldn't have agreed more!! I loved Virgina Beach like no other. Probably one of my very favorite vacations to date.
The next day we did the same. We walked to lunch from our hotel and then headed to the beach. One really neat thing about the beach was that they had these playgrounds right on the sand. Jamie got all cozy on the beach blanket and Grace bolted to the playground, and that, my friend was where I had to spend my afternoon. She had sooooo much fun that day playing on the playground. Seriously who came up with that idea-pure genius!!!
There was an Air Force base in Virginia Beach and they constantly take the airplanes out to practice. Grace didn't know what an airplane was before the trip and is now an airplane aficionado. She got such a kick out of pointing to them and screaming "airplane". We only heard that a hundred times-it was so cute!
On the way home from Virginia Beach we were on a mission to find a Chick-fil-a because I had never eaten there and they have a play place for Grace. It was not a disappointment!!! Grace however, was too scared to play in the play place. Another time, perhaps!!
Enjoy the pictures!!!
Part 1 of Summer Vacation
We went on a week vacation to Philadelphia and Virgina Beach. I will cover the vacation in two posts, one from Sesame Place and the other at Virginia Beach.
Sesame Place is a theme park that is based off of Sesame Street. Grace really enjoyed it. There was some freakish cold front that came through the week we were there and the highest the temperature got was like 78 degrees. It made for a very comfortable day doing all the dry attractions, not so much with the water attractions. We got our swimming suits on and lasted a whole ten minutes in the first water ride. Grace's lips were a deep shade of purple and she was shivering. The problem was that the park consisted of probably 70% water rides and 30% dry attractions. So we did all we could do in one afternoon with the dry stuff and we were done. We had two day passes and didn't come back the second day because it was even colder. We did take Grace to the Elmo's World Show and she loved it!!!
She was so tired that she fell asleep before we got to the highway when we left there that day. We went back to our hotel and took a long nap and then went out to dinner. We had such a relaxing time-no agenda, just spending time together. Grace was so funny in all the hotels we went to, checking them out and looking around. That night when we were trying to get to bed I heard Grace singing "nana nana Elmo's World, nana nana". That right there made the entire trip to Sesame Place worth it. The drive to Pennsylvania was beautiful. I loved driving through the mountains. Grace did wonderful in the car and lasted hours with out having to get out and that surprised Jamie and I. We were prepared for the worst.
So enjoy the pictures.
Way too long!
I have been a super slacker and haven't posted in the longest time. I have been in a blogging funk to say the least. As to why, I am not for sure. So to get caught up I will post some pictures from our summer vacation, a friends shower, and just some pictures of my little cutie!!!
We have been busy around here (story of my life) and have been trying to make the best of every day. We have gone swimming quite a bit and spent some time doing things indoors because it is too darn hot outside to function. I went for a walk today and lasted about ten minutes. Then I took Grace over to the playground and she had sweat dripping down her face and looked at me like "get me outta here I am melting!!!"
We are getting ready to try a new church this weekend. Nothing happened at our old church, in fact Grace will probably still go to preschool there. but we want a church that we can see ourselves at for years and has really good programs for youth.
I have been trying my best to savor each day with Grace to take it all in, like the last drops of a really good milkshake. It seems like I blink my eyes and she is another month old so I made a vow to myself that I would make each day count and even if that meant a day we were staying home to clean and do laundry that we would laugh and hug and have fun at home. Grace is getting so smart and always wants to be on the go. As soon as the wakes up in the morning she is asking to go to "Ma Ma's house". Then she gets so upset with me that we don't go. Poor girl!!! She has been such a lover lately and I am just eating that up. Anytime my little girl wants to give a hundred kisses and hugs-you better believe I'll take it!!!
I can't believe summer is coming to a close. Kinda bittersweet-It just went so fast!!! We got a lot planned with Grace this coming Fall. I have her signed up for dance class. I don't know how this will go, it could be good or really bad!! She is going to do a Kickaroo soccer program with her Daddy. Were also are thinking about going back to the Little Gym because she loved that place.
All is well with her and the babysitter. We love Ms. Judy like a family member and the feeling is mutual. I think I love her because I know she takes care of Grace like a Grandma would. Grace also has little friends over there that she enjoys very much.
Grace continues to be a Daddy's girl and that is alright with me. Anytime I can see my husband look at Grace like he does, it makes my heart melt and know all is good in the world. He is such a good Dad and Grace can sense that. They are buddies and I LOVE that!!!
So in closing I will try to be a better blogger and stay caught up. Hope you enjoy what is to come!!!
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