Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day has come and gone...... We unfortunately didn't get to go out of town or doing anything too fun due to prior engagements but, for a three day weekend it sure did fly by. I worked Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night and had to wake up at 11:45 on Sunday afternoon to go to Jenna's graduation ceremony, so the rest of the weekend we kinda just played catch up. Grace has been sleeping so WONDERFUL since she got her tubes in, we couldn't be anymore thrilled. This morning she slept until 10:50. I think we're going to try to get her to sleep earlier in the evening so she doesn't sleep until noon, LOL!!!! As the days have gone by, I see Grace and Jamie get closer and closer and it just melts my heart and makes my love for Jamie grow ten times stronger. I feel like the world's luckiest woman to have such a great husband. Jamie and I have a busy week again; our car license plates need to be renewed, I have a class at work, and we have another graduation ceremony this weekend. I am really looking forward to this summer, we have a few things planned. We're going to get a family pass to the Arnold Rec Center to take Grace swimming this summer. We also plan on going to Six Flags, and maybe a trip to Branson. Jamie has his 30th birthday in July and for his gift from me I am paying for some University of Texas football tickets for him and his friend Paul to go to Ausitn and watch a game (I feel like that would be more of a gift for him than if I were to go, LOL). And finally, our big trip to Florida in August. Okay enough ranting for now!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Fun Updates
Just an update, our home is still for sale--spread the word! Grace has been super fun this week. Today I took her to the park and she actually cried when I got her out of the swing. I think she is starting to like swings. The newest thing with her is that she is head over heals in love with her daddy. From the time she wakes up until she goes to bed, it's all "Dad-eee." She walks up and down the hallway looking for him crying out his name. I love it! (I am sure not as much as her daddy does). We have two very important graduation ceremonies to go to in the next week, for Jamie's sister Jenna and my brother Sam. We couldn't be more proud of them. Jenna is going away to college, and Sam isn't for sure what he wants to do. So the next few weeks we have tons to do and look forward to seeing everyone!!!
Mastadon State Park
Monday Jamie and I took Grace to Mastadon State Park. Neither one of us had ever been there so we really didn't know what to expect, and we were pleasantly surprised. We packed a picnic and ate at the park, and then off we went to walk the trail. Grace rode in her new wagon, and was amazed by all the sights. I forgot to bring my camera, but it would had been a wonderful place to take pictures. We're going to go back and be more prepared next time.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Surgery Day
Grace got her tubes in last Thursday. She did wonderful!! We had to be at St. John's at 5:45 in the morning, and they took her to the OR about 7:30, so that long without a bottle or food made her really crabby. We walked her up and down the halls in a wagon and she was just talking and making all sorts of noises. One doctor walked by and said, "Hello little song bird." They gave her something called a "kiddie cocktail," which is a combination of Versed and Tylenol. Once it kicked in Grace was hilarious. She was just laughing and laughing, I can't begin to explain how funny she was. So after awhile, the anesthesiologist came and we walked to the doors of the operating room and said our goodbyes and then handed her to the doctor and she carried her away. The procedure only took ten minutes but it was the longest ten minutes of our life. They kept her for like a half hour and then we were able to take her home. Tomorrow we go for a check up to make sure everything looks good. So, thanks to all who were thinking about us.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Swim Date
Today I took Grace to the Arnold Recreation Center. They have a great indoor and outdoor pool. Grace had a great time! She splashed around and tried to walk in the shallow parts. We met my friend Jen (she was in the room next to me in the college dorms) and our baby girls are only less than three months apart. She is getting so big! We thought it would be a treat for her since she is getting her tubes in tomorrow morning. So please keep us in your thoughts tomorrow.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Grace, Grace, Grace
Grace is walking, walking, and walking. Its so funny to see her coming down the hallway or get up and just walk in her room and walk to her toy basket. She is only eleven months and has been walking for at least a month now. She is getting super brave. We have caught her climbing on top of a clothes basket and up onto the couch. She is pretty much eating whatever we eat. She only has two teeth and she does really good with them. We have been battling chronic ear infections, and this Thursday she's getting tubes in her ears, so keep Grace in your prayers that everything goes okay. I know it is a VERY minor procedure but it still scares me. Grace is so special to us and we just want her to feel better and trust that the doctor will do his best.
House for Sale
We are currently trying to sell our condo. We have worked extra hard and have it in tip-top shape. The hardest thing about trying to sell is having to always maintain a clean house. Poor Grace has all of her toys put away in storage containers and when we have open houses we put them in Jamie's truck. We have it listed with a friend of the family and she works with Coldwell Banker-Gundaker. Here is the web address to see it, Please pass along this info if you know anyone that is in the market for a condo.
We are currently trying to sell our condo. We have worked extra hard and have it in tip-top shape. The hardest thing about trying to sell is having to always maintain a clean house. Poor Grace has all of her toys put away in storage containers and when we have open houses we put them in Jamie's truck. We have it listed with a friend of the family and she works with Coldwell Banker-Gundaker. Here is the web address to see it, Please pass along this info if you know anyone that is in the market for a condo.
Decided to jump on the bandwagon
Hello all, after reading some of the blogs out there, I have decided to start my own. I think it would be a great way of documenting our daily life and special to look back on. I will start off by saying how great of a Mother's Day I had. Jamie proved to me why he is such a special husband by making the entire weekend special. Saturday he brought home a bouquet of beautiful flowers for me, and gave me a few special gifts. I got a new silver watch that I had my eye on, some shelves for our dining room, and some decals to put on the back of my car window (the little family decals). What is special about these gifts are how Jamie listens to me all the time, and remembers when I say, "Oh I love them, or I would like one of them".
We went to the zoo on Sunday afternoon. We have taken Grace to the zoo several times but it was neat to see how much more she is reacting to the animals and different surroundings. We ate lunch at the zoo and it was just such a special day.
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